MBGD Genomaple†
Genomaple Results Page†
The Genomaple Results Page presents the results of Genomaple calculations for the specified species, displayed as a table of module completion ratios (MCRs) for each KEGG module.
This table provides the following information and functions:
- Species Display List: A list of species to display. You can hide a species by unchecking it or change the display order by dragging the species codes.
- Module Filtering: If checked, modules absent in all target species (i.e., with MCRs of 0 and Q-values of 0.5 or higher for all species) will be hidden.
- CSV Download: Download the results of the Genomaple calculations in CSV format.
- Module Comparison: Clicking a module ID opens the Module Comparison Page in a separate tab.
- MCR Table: A table showing the MCR% of each module for each target species. Modules with a Q-value less than 0.25 have a red background, while those with a Q-value less than 0.5 have a blue background.
- Cross-Reference Settings: Modify the conditions for cross-referencing between KEGG Orthology (KO) and MBGD ortholog groups, then recalculate the MCR and Q-value.
- Genomaple Results Management: Navigate to the Genomaple results management page.
- MBGD-KO Mapping Management: Navigate to the MBGD-KO cross-reference management page.
Recalculating MCR and Q-Value†
Genomaple Results Management Page†
MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page†
Module Comparison Page†
MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions†
Homology search†
Clustering Tree Diagram†
Genome Layout Page†
- Click "Execute Analysis" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.
- Select user genome and public genome, and then click "Execute Analysis".
- The result is displayed.
- Click "Display Results" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.
- Click on the two buttons ("V","R") in the analysis list to see the results.
・V ... Clustering data
・R ... Corealign data
- The result is displayed.