MBGD Genomaple

Genomaple Results Page

The Genomaple Results Page presents the results of Genomaple calculations for the specified species, displayed as a table of module completion ratios (MCRs) for each KEGG module.

This table provides the following information and functions:

  1. Species Display List: A list of species to display. You can hide a species by unchecking it or change the display order by dragging the species codes.
  2. Module Filtering: If checked, modules absent in all target species (i.e., with MCRs of 0 and Q-values of 0.5 or higher for all species) will be hidden.
  3. CSV Download: Download the results of the Genomaple calculations in CSV format.
  4. Module Comparison: Clicking a module ID opens the Module Comparison Page in a separate tab.
  5. MCR Table: A table showing the MCR% of each module for each target species. Modules with a Q-value less than 0.25 have a red background, while those with a Q-value less than 0.5 have a blue background.
  6. Cross-Reference Settings: Modify the conditions for cross-referencing between KEGG Orthology (KO) and MBGD ortholog groups, then recalculate the MCR and Q-value.
  7. Genomaple Results Management: Navigate to the Genomaple results management page.
  8. MBGD-KO Mapping Management: Navigate to the MBGD-KO cross-reference management page.

Recalculating MCR and Q-Value

Genomaple Results Management Page

MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page

Module Comparison Page

MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions

Homology search

Clustering Tree Diagram

Genome Layout Page


  1. Click "Execute Analysis" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.

  2. Select user genome and public genome, and then click "Execute Analysis".
  3. The result is displayed.
    create new genome


  1. Click "Display Results" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.

  2. Click on the two buttons ("V","R") in the analysis list to see the results.
    ・V ... Clustering data
    ・R ... Corealign data
    create new genome

  3. The result is displayed.
    create new genome

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