MBGD Documents

Profile search

Search method

search flow

  1. Select category(phenotype, environment information, taxonomy) how to refine your organism
  2. Selecting an item from the list will cause the corresponding genus to be selected
  3. Select genus and place it in the Presence/Absence organism box
  4. Click [Analyze] button
Profile top

① Category(phenotype, environment information, taxonomy)
② List of items
③ List of genus
④ Presence organism box
⑤ Absence organism box
⑥ [Analyze] button

(a) If checked, only items that are common between the added items and items already in the presence organism box will remain.
(b) Add the item selected in List of genus to the Presence organism box.
(c) Clean up the Presence organism box
(d) Add to the Absence organism box what is not included in the Presence organism box
(e) Add the item selected in List of genus to the Absence organism box.
(f) Clean up the Absence organism box


Select using phenotype information from gold

Profile top


Select using environment information

Profile env


Select using taxonomy information

Profile tax


Profile file

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