
[[MBGD Documents]]
//   はじめの説明
* Profile search [#zb0ea06f]
** Screen Explanation [#t2fc451f]

#ref(Profile_top.png,left,nowrap,Profile top,75%)

① Category(phenotype, environment information, taxonomy)  ~
② List of items ~
③ List of genus ~
④ Presence organism box  ~
⑤ Absence organism box ~
⑥ [Analyze] button ~

(a) If checked, only items that are common between the added items and items already in the presence organism box will remain. ~
(b) Add the item selected in List of genus to the Presence organism box. ~
(c) Clean up the Presence organism box ~
(d) Add to the Absence organism box what is not included in the Presence organism box ~
(e) Add the item selected in List of genus to the Absence organism box. ~
(f) Clean up the Absence organism box ~

** Search flow [#eb415739]
+ Select category(phenotype, environment information, taxonomy) how to refine your organism ~
#ref(Profile_pheno.png,left,nowrap,Profile top,75%)
+ Selecting an item from the list will cause the corresponding genus to be selected ~
+ Select genus and place it in the Presence/Absence organism box
+ Click [Analyze] button 
#ref(profile_res.png,left,nowrap,Profile top,75%)

** Category [#c06cb0b6]
*** phenotype [#ha6b9bba]
Select using phenotype information from gold
#ref(Profile_pheno.png,left,nowrap,Profile top,75%)
*** environment [#vf82b6af]
Select using environment information 
#ref(Profile_env.png,left,nowrap,Profile env,75%)
*** taxonomy [#ec107c77]
Select using taxonomy information 
#ref(Profile_tax.png,left,nowrap,Profile tax,75%)
*** file [#n2969caf]
''file format'' ~
Comma Separated Format (genus name, value) ~
value 1= Add to presence organism box ~
value 0= Add to absence organism box ~
[[download sample.csv:https://mbgd.nibb.ac.jp/data/sample.csv]]

''heder format'' ~
 # G = 1   (convert "G" to 1)
 # T = 0   (convert "T" to 0)
 # 0.5 and above to 1
 # 0.2 or less to 0
 # between 0.3 and 0.4 to 1

#ref(Profile_file.png,left,nowrap,Profile file,75%)

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