//   解析
* Data Analysis [#t3ded380]

** Mapping to default ortholog group/Genomaple alnalysis [#cbcc559c]
//   実行 Mapping
*** Execution [#ie26e610]
+ Click "Execute Analysis" in "Genome Annotation by Ortholog Group Assignment" section of the MyMBGD home page.
+ Select user genome and click "Execute Analysis".
//   結果 Mapping
*** Result [#k814df04]
+ Click "Display Results" in "Genome Annotation by Ortholog Group Assignment" section of the MyMBGD home page.
+ Click on the three buttons  ("C", "O", "D") in the user genome list to see the results.~
 ・ C ... Show chromosome map
 ・ O ... Show orthology assigment 
 ・ D ... Download orthology assignment  
//Select user genomes and public genomes, and click "Compare the selected genomes in genomaple viewer" to see the Genomaple results.
//+ The result is displayed.

** Clustering (Comparison of closely related species) [#q65bf22f]
//   実行 Clustering
*** Execution [#ff700ddc]
+ Click "Execute Analysis" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.
+ Select user genome and public genome, and then click "Execute Analysis".
+ The result is displayed.
#ref(MBGD_Annalysis_2_input.png,left,wrap,create new genome,75%)
//   結果 Clustering
*** Result [#j73c8db4]
+ Click "Display Results" in "Ortholog Clustering" section of the MyMBGD home page.
+ Click on the two buttons  ("V","R") in the analysis list to see the results.~
 ・V ... Clustering data
 ・R ... Corealign data
#ref(MBGD_Annalysis_2_result1.png,left,wrap,create new genome,75%)
+ The result is displayed.
#ref(MBGD_Annalysis_2_result2.png,left,wrap,create new genome,75%)

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