
* MyMBGD Top [#kff95827]

MyMBGD mode allows you to add your own genome data to the orthology analysis in MBGD.

There are two mode of analysis. Assignment mode and clustering mode.

(1) [[Import Genome Data>MyMBGD/Import_Genome_Data]]: From here you can upload your genome data.  ~
(2) [[Genome Annotation by Ortholog Group Assignment>MyMBGD/Analysis/Mapping]] (Assignment mode): In this mode, genes in your data will be assigned to the existing ortholog groups in MBGD ~
(3) [[Ortholog Clustering>MyMBGD/AnalysisD/Clustering]] (Clustering mode): in this mode, ortholog grouping will be performed from the beginning using Domclust with your data and selected genomes in MBGD  ~
(3) [[Ortholog Clustering>MyMBGD/Analysis/Clustering]] (Clustering mode): in this mode, ortholog grouping will be performed from the beginning using Domclust with your data and selected genomes in MBGD  ~

(a) Return to the MBGD top page ~
(b) Edit your user account information ~
(c) Logout ~
(d) Result Manager, where you can check and manage intermediate analysis results ~


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