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// MBGD Genomaple
* MBGD Genomaple [#j10c3e8d]
// Genomaple Results Page
** 1.1 Genomaple Results Page [#de3ba3d7]
The Genomaple Results Page presents the results of Genoma...
This table provides the following information and functio...
+ ''Species Display List'':
A list of species to display. You can hide a species by u...
+ ''Module Filtering'':
If checked, modules absent in all target species (i.e., w...
+ ''CSV Download'':
Download the results of the Genomaple calculations in CSV...
+ ''Module Comparison'':
Clicking a module ID opens the Module Comparison Page in ...
+ ''MCR Table'':
A table showing the MCR% of each module for each target s...
+ ''Cross-Reference Settings'':
Modify the conditions for cross-referencing between KEGG ...
+ ''Genomaple Results Management'':
Navigate to the Genomaple results management page.
+ ''MBGD-KO Mapping Management'':
Navigate to the MBGD-KO cross-reference management page.
*** Recalculating MCR and Q-Value [#g19bea87]
In MBGD, the MCR and Q-Value for each module of each spec...
To adjust conditions, select option 6 to display the ''MB...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_020.png,left,wrap,MBGD-KO C...
It takes approximately 20 seconds per species to calculat...
+ ''Only MCR Recalculation'':
Recalculates only the MCR and displays the results withou...
+ ''MCR and Q-Value Recalculation'':
Recalculates both MCR and Q-value and saves the results t...
+ ''MCR and Q-Value Force Recalculation'':
Ignores saved results and recalculates both MCR and Q-val...
*** Genomaple Results Management Page [#q346d7ea]
After modifying the MBGD-KO cross-reference conditions, y...
+ ''Delete Calculation Results'':
Select the calculation results and click the "Delete" but...
+ ''Download Calculation Results'':
Click the "Download" button to save the calculation resul...
+ ''Upload Calculation Results'':
Select a calculation result file and click the "Upload" b...
Results are managed per species and cross-reference condi...
*** MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page [#ve694f96]
In some cases, no corresponding MBGD ortholog group is id...
• 1.3 Mapping KO to MBGD
• 1.4 Homology Search
• 1.5 Viewing a Tree Diagram
You can use ''Homology Search'' to create a mapping table...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_040.png,left,wrap,Link to M...
The MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page allows you to...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_050.png,left,wrap,MBGD-KO c...
+ ''Go to the "MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Registration" Page...
Modify the mappings manually.
+ ''Go to the "Clustering Tree Diagram" Page'':
View the clustering tree diagram showing subclusters crea...
+ ''Go to the "Search Results for Alternative Genes" Page...
Display the results dialog for the alternative gene searc...
+ ''Delete Stored Mappings'':
Remove the stored mapping between the KO and the locus ta...
+ ''Download Cross-Reference Information'':
Save the cross-reference information file to your device.
+ ''Upload Cross-Reference Information'':
Upload a previously downloaded cross-reference informatio...
// Module Comparison Page
** 1.2 Module Comparison Page [#v6973604]
The Module Comparison Page, accessible via the Genomaple ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_060.png,left,wrap,Module Co...
The functions of each element on this page are as follows:
+ ''Module ID'':
Click this link to open the KEGG module information page ...
+ ''Download Comparison Information'':
Export the comparison information to a CSV file.
+ ''Genome Layout Page'':
Open the Genome Layout Page in a separate window.
+ ''Module Structure Diagram'':
Open the module structure diagram.
+ ''Search for Alternative Genes'':
Display a search form to find alternative genes.
+ ''Species Display Options'':
Show a form to toggle the visibility of species and chang...
+ ''Check All Species'':
Select all species for display.
+ ''Highlight KOs on the Module Structure Diagram'':
Highlight the KOs of the selected species on the Module S...
+ ''KO ID'':
The identifier of a KO, consisting of each step in the KE...
+ ''MBGD cluster ID'':
MBGD cluster ID is displayed along with the overlapping p...
+ ''Ortholog Table'':
The locus tags of genes belonging to each MBGD ortholog g...
+ ''MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions'':
Define the conditions for the MBGD-KO cross-reference. If...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_070.png,left,wrap,Module Co...
+ ''Display Module Structure Diagram'':
The KOs of the checked species are highlighted in red on ...
+ ''Search for Alternative Genes'':
Perform a search for alternative genes associated with th...
+ ''Toggle Species Display'':
Use the checkboxes to show or hide species. You can also ...
// MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions
** 1.3 MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions [#yb0e2203]
The MBGD-KO cross-reference table defines the relationshi...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_080.png,left,wrap,Table 1 R...
In the following example, the cross-reference is defined ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_090.png,left,wrap,An exampl...
In this example, the indication “K01601 (1)” in the KO co...
On the other hand, no cluster ID is associated with "K052...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_100.png,left,wrap,KO inform...
From this page, you can see that the name of K05298 is "g...
Clicking the "(0)" next to "K05298 (0)" allows you to reg...
Pressing the "Close" button will update the comparison ta...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_120.png,left,wrap,Adding a ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_130.png,left,wrap,The added...
// Homology search
** 1.4 Homology search [#e56746a4]
When the Cluster ID corresponding to a KO is displayed as...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_140.png,left,wrap,ClustsKO ...
Check the genes you want to display and click the "Select...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_150.png,left,wrap,Display r...
// Clustering Tree Diagram
** 1.5 Clustering Tree Diagram [#h18a6e44]
Clustering Tree Diagram can be shown by clicking the link...
+ ''Specify Tree Expansion Level'':
Set the level of hierarchy to which the tree diagram shou...
+ ''Internal (ancestral) node'':
Each internal node represents a set of genes that are des...
+ ''Tree Leaves'':
Represents individual genes. The gene name and the corres...
+ ''Search Within Tree Diagram'':
Search for text within the tree diagram.
+ ''Display Subcluster List'':
Show a list of subclusters.
+ ''Expand/Collapse All'':
Clicking ">" at each internal node expands all levels bel...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_180.png,left,wrap,List of s...
// Genome Layout Page
** 1.6 Genome Layout Page [#re500569]
The Genome Layout Page can be accessed by clicking the "S...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_190.png,left,wrap,Invoking ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_200.png,left,wrap,Genome La...
+ ''Specify Neighborhood Parameter'':
Define the neighborhood parameter (N). Neighborhood gene ...
+ ''Neighborhood Gene Cluster'':
This is an example of a cluster containing multiple genes...
The straight lines in the background represent sequence s...
+ ''Neighborhood Gene Cluster(Singleton)'':
Another neighborhood gene cluster consisting of a single ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_201.png,left,wrap,Genome La...
+ ''Chromosome/Contig'':
A dotted red square indicates that the enclosed segments ...
// MBGD Genomaple
* MBGD Genomaple [#j10c3e8d]
// Genomaple Results Page
** 1.1 Genomaple Results Page [#de3ba3d7]
The Genomaple Results Page presents the results of Genoma...
This table provides the following information and functio...
+ ''Species Display List'':
A list of species to display. You can hide a species by u...
+ ''Module Filtering'':
If checked, modules absent in all target species (i.e., w...
+ ''CSV Download'':
Download the results of the Genomaple calculations in CSV...
+ ''Module Comparison'':
Clicking a module ID opens the Module Comparison Page in ...
+ ''MCR Table'':
A table showing the MCR% of each module for each target s...
+ ''Cross-Reference Settings'':
Modify the conditions for cross-referencing between KEGG ...
+ ''Genomaple Results Management'':
Navigate to the Genomaple results management page.
+ ''MBGD-KO Mapping Management'':
Navigate to the MBGD-KO cross-reference management page.
*** Recalculating MCR and Q-Value [#g19bea87]
In MBGD, the MCR and Q-Value for each module of each spec...
To adjust conditions, select option 6 to display the ''MB...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_020.png,left,wrap,MBGD-KO C...
It takes approximately 20 seconds per species to calculat...
+ ''Only MCR Recalculation'':
Recalculates only the MCR and displays the results withou...
+ ''MCR and Q-Value Recalculation'':
Recalculates both MCR and Q-value and saves the results t...
+ ''MCR and Q-Value Force Recalculation'':
Ignores saved results and recalculates both MCR and Q-val...
*** Genomaple Results Management Page [#q346d7ea]
After modifying the MBGD-KO cross-reference conditions, y...
+ ''Delete Calculation Results'':
Select the calculation results and click the "Delete" but...
+ ''Download Calculation Results'':
Click the "Download" button to save the calculation resul...
+ ''Upload Calculation Results'':
Select a calculation result file and click the "Upload" b...
Results are managed per species and cross-reference condi...
*** MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page [#ve694f96]
In some cases, no corresponding MBGD ortholog group is id...
• 1.3 Mapping KO to MBGD
• 1.4 Homology Search
• 1.5 Viewing a Tree Diagram
You can use ''Homology Search'' to create a mapping table...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_040.png,left,wrap,Link to M...
The MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Management Page allows you to...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_050.png,left,wrap,MBGD-KO c...
+ ''Go to the "MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Registration" Page...
Modify the mappings manually.
+ ''Go to the "Clustering Tree Diagram" Page'':
View the clustering tree diagram showing subclusters crea...
+ ''Go to the "Search Results for Alternative Genes" Page...
Display the results dialog for the alternative gene searc...
+ ''Delete Stored Mappings'':
Remove the stored mapping between the KO and the locus ta...
+ ''Download Cross-Reference Information'':
Save the cross-reference information file to your device.
+ ''Upload Cross-Reference Information'':
Upload a previously downloaded cross-reference informatio...
// Module Comparison Page
** 1.2 Module Comparison Page [#v6973604]
The Module Comparison Page, accessible via the Genomaple ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_060.png,left,wrap,Module Co...
The functions of each element on this page are as follows:
+ ''Module ID'':
Click this link to open the KEGG module information page ...
+ ''Download Comparison Information'':
Export the comparison information to a CSV file.
+ ''Genome Layout Page'':
Open the Genome Layout Page in a separate window.
+ ''Module Structure Diagram'':
Open the module structure diagram.
+ ''Search for Alternative Genes'':
Display a search form to find alternative genes.
+ ''Species Display Options'':
Show a form to toggle the visibility of species and chang...
+ ''Check All Species'':
Select all species for display.
+ ''Highlight KOs on the Module Structure Diagram'':
Highlight the KOs of the selected species on the Module S...
+ ''KO ID'':
The identifier of a KO, consisting of each step in the KE...
+ ''MBGD cluster ID'':
MBGD cluster ID is displayed along with the overlapping p...
+ ''Ortholog Table'':
The locus tags of genes belonging to each MBGD ortholog g...
+ ''MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions'':
Define the conditions for the MBGD-KO cross-reference. If...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_070.png,left,wrap,Module Co...
+ ''Display Module Structure Diagram'':
The KOs of the checked species are highlighted in red on ...
+ ''Search for Alternative Genes'':
Perform a search for alternative genes associated with th...
+ ''Toggle Species Display'':
Use the checkboxes to show or hide species. You can also ...
// MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions
** 1.3 MBGD-KO Cross-Reference Conditions [#yb0e2203]
The MBGD-KO cross-reference table defines the relationshi...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_080.png,left,wrap,Table 1 R...
In the following example, the cross-reference is defined ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_090.png,left,wrap,An exampl...
In this example, the indication “K01601 (1)” in the KO co...
On the other hand, no cluster ID is associated with "K052...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_100.png,left,wrap,KO inform...
From this page, you can see that the name of K05298 is "g...
Clicking the "(0)" next to "K05298 (0)" allows you to reg...
Pressing the "Close" button will update the comparison ta...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_120.png,left,wrap,Adding a ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_130.png,left,wrap,The added...
// Homology search
** 1.4 Homology search [#e56746a4]
When the Cluster ID corresponding to a KO is displayed as...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_140.png,left,wrap,ClustsKO ...
Check the genes you want to display and click the "Select...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_150.png,left,wrap,Display r...
// Clustering Tree Diagram
** 1.5 Clustering Tree Diagram [#h18a6e44]
Clustering Tree Diagram can be shown by clicking the link...
+ ''Specify Tree Expansion Level'':
Set the level of hierarchy to which the tree diagram shou...
+ ''Internal (ancestral) node'':
Each internal node represents a set of genes that are des...
+ ''Tree Leaves'':
Represents individual genes. The gene name and the corres...
+ ''Search Within Tree Diagram'':
Search for text within the tree diagram.
+ ''Display Subcluster List'':
Show a list of subclusters.
+ ''Expand/Collapse All'':
Clicking ">" at each internal node expands all levels bel...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_180.png,left,wrap,List of s...
// Genome Layout Page
** 1.6 Genome Layout Page [#re500569]
The Genome Layout Page can be accessed by clicking the "S...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_190.png,left,wrap,Invoking ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_200.png,left,wrap,Genome La...
+ ''Specify Neighborhood Parameter'':
Define the neighborhood parameter (N). Neighborhood gene ...
+ ''Neighborhood Gene Cluster'':
This is an example of a cluster containing multiple genes...
The straight lines in the background represent sequence s...
+ ''Neighborhood Gene Cluster(Singleton)'':
Another neighborhood gene cluster consisting of a single ...
#ref(MBGD/Genomaple/genomaple_201.png,left,wrap,Genome La...
+ ''Chromosome/Contig'':
A dotted red square indicates that the enclosed segments ...