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// ゲノム登録方法
* How to add your own genome data to MBGD [#a4402bc9]
+ Click "Enter Your Data" on the MyMBGD top page.
+ Click "Create New Genome"
#ref(create_new_genome.png,left,wrap,create new genome,75%)
+ Enter the following genome information:
-- Species name: full species name (e.g. Carsonella ruddii)
-- Abbreviation Name: abbreviated species name (e.g. C. r...
-- Species code: short species code with 3-6 letters (e.g...
-- Strain: strain name to distinguish different strains.
Tip: A species code already used for an exising genome i...
-- Taxonomy ID: NCBI Taxonomy ID. To find Taxonomy ID of ...
Now you can find the the Taxonomy ID of the strain Candid...
Taxnomy ID: 387662 ~
Press "Save", then "Ok", to save the genome record. ~
Tip: If you cannot find any appropriate taxonomy record,...
+ Next, enter the chromosome information. First, specify ...
A GenBank file containing multiple sequence entry can be ...
In the following, we choose GenBank format and press "Cre...
#ref(create_new_chromosome.png,left,wrap,create new genom...
Then, enter the chromosome information. In this case, the...
Check if the Status field in the "User Genome List" and t...
If your genome has multiple chromosomes, repeat this proc...
* Data Type: Incomplete genome + GeneTab,ProteinSeq [#ff2...
** GeneTab format [#c55b30e1]
- Header ~
-- beginning with #
-- Each line must be separated by a comma (,) or one-byte...
-- Acceptable Items(&color(red){*};required fields)
LEFT:|Header name|required fields|description|data|h
|id/locus_tag|&color(red){*};|gene ID|1_1|
|name||gene name|geneA|
|chrid/chr_acc|&color(red){*};|chromosome ID|chr1|
|from |&color(red){*};|Gene start location||
|to |&color(red){*};|Gene end location||
|dir ||Gene direction|1/-1/F/R/DIR/INV|
|type||gene type|CDS|
|descr||gene description||
- Data~
-- The data delimiter is a tab.
-- Required fields are as follows
--- id/locus_tag &color(red){*};
--- chrid &color(red){*};
--- from &color(red){*};
--- to &color(red){*};
-- If no header, the following order is used~
--- For 7 columns~
id, name, chrid, from, to, dir, desc
-- If there is a chrid, it is considered to have chromoso...
-- id must be unique
-- If only an amino acid sequence is available, specify f...
-- The id and the id of the fasta file of the gene should...
-- The chrid and the id of the fasta file of the chromoso...
// ゲノム登録方法
* How to add your own genome data to MBGD [#a4402bc9]
+ Click "Enter Your Data" on the MyMBGD top page.
+ Click "Create New Genome"
#ref(create_new_genome.png,left,wrap,create new genome,75%)
+ Enter the following genome information:
-- Species name: full species name (e.g. Carsonella ruddii)
-- Abbreviation Name: abbreviated species name (e.g. C. r...
-- Species code: short species code with 3-6 letters (e.g...
-- Strain: strain name to distinguish different strains.
Tip: A species code already used for an exising genome i...
-- Taxonomy ID: NCBI Taxonomy ID. To find Taxonomy ID of ...
Now you can find the the Taxonomy ID of the strain Candid...
Taxnomy ID: 387662 ~
Press "Save", then "Ok", to save the genome record. ~
Tip: If you cannot find any appropriate taxonomy record,...
+ Next, enter the chromosome information. First, specify ...
A GenBank file containing multiple sequence entry can be ...
In the following, we choose GenBank format and press "Cre...
#ref(create_new_chromosome.png,left,wrap,create new genom...
Then, enter the chromosome information. In this case, the...
Check if the Status field in the "User Genome List" and t...
If your genome has multiple chromosomes, repeat this proc...
* Data Type: Incomplete genome + GeneTab,ProteinSeq [#ff2...
** GeneTab format [#c55b30e1]
- Header ~
-- beginning with #
-- Each line must be separated by a comma (,) or one-byte...
-- Acceptable Items(&color(red){*};required fields)
LEFT:|Header name|required fields|description|data|h
|id/locus_tag|&color(red){*};|gene ID|1_1|
|name||gene name|geneA|
|chrid/chr_acc|&color(red){*};|chromosome ID|chr1|
|from |&color(red){*};|Gene start location||
|to |&color(red){*};|Gene end location||
|dir ||Gene direction|1/-1/F/R/DIR/INV|
|type||gene type|CDS|
|descr||gene description||
- Data~
-- The data delimiter is a tab.
-- Required fields are as follows
--- id/locus_tag &color(red){*};
--- chrid &color(red){*};
--- from &color(red){*};
--- to &color(red){*};
-- If no header, the following order is used~
--- For 7 columns~
id, name, chrid, from, to, dir, desc
-- If there is a chrid, it is considered to have chromoso...
-- id must be unique
-- If only an amino acid sequence is available, specify f...
-- The id and the id of the fasta file of the gene should...
-- The chrid and the id of the fasta file of the chromoso...